Slide 14 of 89
This is a time line from the Brooks and Blaauw book starting from the ERA 1103. The now Unisys 1100 series is still being built and checking our taxes at the IRS. This branched when CDC was founded. The 1604 and 3600 were compatible. Not shown is the 160 that was a template for the minicomputer. The 6600 line begot the 7600 and later Cyber series computers.
Cray had nothing to do with the STAR, Cyber 205 and ETA 10, all of which were dead end because of their poor scalar performance. Starting Cray Research was a reaction to the STAR and the need for scalar performance in parallel computers. The Cray1 processor design was the template for all high performance computing that will continue well into the 21st century. After the Cray 1, performance was gained by using multiple, vector processors. This architecture was emulated in minisupercomputer designs at Alliant, Ardent, Convex, and many other startups. The Japanese supercomputers at Fujitsu, Hitachi, and NEC use the Cray multiple vector processor architecture formula.