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626 Appendix

EXAMPLES T.half-duplex(typewriter; 15 char/sec; output: paper, video, audio; input: keyboard: 88 char: 8 b/char)

T.multiplex(console; keyboard, display, printer)

10. Data-operations

10.1 Data operations/D : = simple-data-operation ÷ compound-data-operation

10.2 simple-data-operations : = component (

cocomponents: inputs: components, output: component, initiator: input;

subcomponents: working: M-set, control: K-set;

operations: see ISP data-operations, ISP 3.1;

operation time: [t];

concurrency-type: simplex;

data-types: data-type(operations) see ISP data-types, ISP 1.3)

A data-operation creates information (i.e., new instances of data-types) that has new meaning. It usually does this as a function of input information (e.g., a floating point multiply which creates a floating point number that represents the product of the two input numbers). It may or may not destroy some existing information (e.g., a tally operation, which modifies the existing number in creating the new one). A data operation differs from a transducer (T), since its output differs in meaning from its input. The T preserves meaning, while changing representation.

The data-operation takes the data-type i-units at the input ports, operates on the data, and presents the result at the output port. The simple-data-operation can perform only one operation at a time. The simplest D is just a set of transfer paths between registers for performing some operation on a boolean vector (that is, A L B, A Å B, Ø A) or a combinational network (that is, X = 0). Slightly more complex D's are the additive operations on integers (+, -). Operations like X, / are usually constructed from more primitive D's, +, -, and (/2), with a subcontrol (K) to step through the various substeps of the arithmetic algorithm. Finally, a floating point multiply would be formed as a sequence of simple-data-operations controlled by one or more common subcontrols.

10.3 compound-data-operation : = simple-data-operation(

subcomponents: alternatives; simple-data-operation-set;

instruction: memory;

concurrency: + integer;

instruction-source: data, instructions, operator instruction)

A compound-data-operation consists of a collection of alternative simple-data-operations. Thus, a compound-data-operation is compound either in time, by having many varied operations which can be selected sequentially, or in space, by having many separate operations which can perform in parallel.

11. Processor

11.1 Processor / P : = simple-processor ÷ complex-processor

11.2 simple-processor : = component (

cocomponents: primary: M-set, *secondary: M-set, controlled: component-set;

function: (microprogram ÷ central / general purpose / c÷ input-output / io÷ display÷ array ÷ vector move÷ special algorithm÷ language)

subcomponents: (interpreter: K; data-operations: D-set; M.processor-state / ps: see PMS Table 1; M.non-processor-state: see PMS Table 1;

operations: operations(data-operations), operations(cocomponents) see ISP;

data-types: data-type(operations) see ISP;

cycle-time / tc: cycle-time(Mp);

i-rate: i-rate(Mp);

concurrency: (o-rate / cycle-time) [o];

program-switching-time: [t];

interrupt-response-time: [t];

instruction-set see ISP 2.1;

instruction-efficiency: (operations / instruction) / instruction-size [o/i];

algorithm-encoding-efficiency: (sum(data i-units/[t])/ sum(data i-units + instructions)/[t]));

instruction-size: [i];

operation-code-size: [i];

address-size: [i];

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