Chapter 27 The ILLIAC IV computer 331
A1.3 Transfer of control
EXEC Execute instruction found in bits 32 through 63 of CAR.
EXCHL Exchange contents of CAR with contents of CU memory address.
JUMP Jump to address found in instruction.
LOAD Load CU memory address contents from contents of FE memory address found in CAR.
LOADX Load CU memory address contents from contents of FE memory address found in CAR, indexed by PE index.
STL Store CAR into CU memory.
A1.4 Route
RTE Route. Routing distance is found in address field (CAR indexable), and register connectivity is found in the skip field.
A1.5 Arithmetic
ALIT Add 24-bit literal to CAR.
CADD Add contents of CU memory address to CAR.
CSUB Subtract contents of CU memory address from CAR.
INCRXC Increment index word in CAR.
A1.6 Logical
CAND AND CU memory to CAR.
CCB Complement bit of CAR.
CEXOR Exclusive OR CU memory to CAR.
CLC Clear CAR.
COR OR CU memory to CAR.
CRB Reset bit of CAR.
CROTL Rotate CAR left.
CROTR Rotate CAR fight.
CSB Set bit of CAR.
CSHL Shift CAR left.
CSHR Shift CAR right.
LEADO Detect leading ONE in CAR of all quadrants in array.
LEADZ Detect leading ZERO in CAR of all quadrants in array.
ORAC OR all CARS in array and place in CAR.
A2.1 Data transmission
LDA Load A register.
LDB Load B register
LDR Load R register.
LDS Load S register.
LDX Load X register.
LDCO Load CAR 0 from PE register.
LDCL Load CAR 1 from PE register.
LDC2 Load CAR 2 from PE register.
LDC3 Load CAR 3 from PE register.
LEX Load exponent of A register.
ONES Load all ONES into A register.
STA Store A register.
STB Store B register.
STC Store C register.
STR Store R register.
STS Store S register.
STX Store X register.
SWAFA Interchange inner and outer contents of A register.
SWAF Interchange the contents of A register and B register.
SWAFX Interchange outer operand of A register and inner operand of B.