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324 Part 4 The instruction-set processor level: special-function processors

Section 2 Processors for array data

words (16 instructions), fetch of the next block is initiated; the possibility of pending jumps to different blocks is ignored. If the next block is found to be already resident in the buffer, no further action is taken; else fetch of the next block from the array memory is initiated. On arrival of the requested block, the instruction buffer is cyclically filled; the oldest block is assumed to be the least required block in the buffer and is overwritten. Jump instructions initiate the same procedures.

Fetch of a new instruction block from memory requires a delay of approximately three memory cycles to cover the signal transmission times between the array memory and the control unit. On execution of a straight line program, this delay is overlapped with the execution of the 8 instructions remaining in the current block.

In a multiple-array configuration, instructions are fetched from the array memory specified by the program counter, and broadcast simultaneously to all the participating control units. Instruction processing thereafter is identical to that for single-array operation, except that synchronization of the control units is necessary whenever information, in the form of either data or control signals, must cross array boundaries. CU synchronization must be forced at all fetches of new instruction blocks, upon all data routing operations, all conditional program transfers, and all configuration-changing instructions. With these exceptions, the CUs of the several arrays run independently of one another. This simplifies the control in the multiple-array operation; furthermore, it permits I/O transactions with the separate array memories without stealing memory cycles from the nonparticipating memories.

Memory addressing

Both data and instructions are stored in the combined memories of the array. However, the CU has access to the entire memory, while each PE can only directly reference its own 2,048-word PEM. The memory appears as a two-dimensional array with CU access sequential along rows and with PE access down its own column. In multiarray configurations the width of the rows is increased by multiples of 64.

The resulting variable-structure addressing problem is solved by generating a fixed-form 20-bit address in the CU as shown in Fig. 5. The lower 6 bits identify the PE column within a given array. The next 2 bits indicate the array number, and the remaining higher-order bits give the row value. The row address bits actually transmitted to the PE memories are configuration-dependent and are gated out as shown.

Addresses used by the PE's for local operands contain three components: a fixed address contained in the instruction, a CU

Fig. 5. Memory address structure.

index value added from one of the CU accumulators, and a local PE index value added at the PE prior to transmission to its own memory.

CU data operations

The control unit can fetch either individual words or blocks of 8 words from the array memory to the local data buffer. In addition, it can fetch 1 bit selected from the 8-bit mode register of each processing element to form a 64-bit word read into the CU accumulator. The CU program counter (PCR) and the configuration registers are also directly addressable by the CU. Data manipulations (+, -, Boolean) are performed on a selected CAR and the result returned to the CAR. Data to be broadcast to the processing elements is inserted into the FINQ along with the accompanying instruction and transmitted to the PEs at the appropriate time.

Configuration control

With the variety of array configurations for ILLIAC IV, it is necessary to specify and control the subarrays which are conjoined and to designate the instruction and data addressing. For this purpose each CU has three configuration control registers (CFC), each of 4-bit length, where each bit corresponds to one of the four subarrays. The CFC registers may be set by the B 6500 or a CU instruction.

CFC0 of each CU specifies the array configuration in which it is participating by means of a 1 in the appropriate bits of CFCO. CFC1 specifies the instruction addressing to be used within the array. In a united configuration it is thus possible for the instruction stream to be derived from any subset of the united arrays. CFC2 specifies the CU data addressing form in a manner similar to the CFC1 control of instruction addressing.

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