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Chapter 17 IBM 650 instruction logic 223

the first table argument and the I address as the address of the next instruction to be executed. The argument for which a search is to he made must he in the distributor. The address of the table argument equal to, or higher than (if no equal exists) the argument given is placed in positions 8-5 of the lower accumulator. The search argument remains, unaltered, in the distributor.

Miscellaneous instructions

00 No-Op (No Operation). This code performs no operation. The data address is bypassed, and the machine automatically refers to the location specified by the instruction address of the No-Op instruction.

01 Stop. This operation code causes the program to stop provided the programmed switch on the control console is in the stop position. When the programmed switch is in the run position the 01 code will be ignored and treated in the same manner as 00 (No-Op).


Type 650 Magnetic Drum Data-Processing Machine Manual of Operations; HughE54; SerrR62.

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