336 Part 4 The instruction-set processor level: special-function processors
Section 3÷ Processors defined by a microprogram
the right, while others will also involve the use of the adder. Any particular micro-operation can be performed by applying pulses simultaneously to the appropriate gates of the switching system. In certain cases it may be possible for two or more micro-operations to take place at the same time.
It will be convenient to regard the control system as consisting of two parts. A register is needed to hold the address of the next order due to be executed, and another to hold the current order while it is being executed, or at any rate during part of that time. Some means of counting the number of steps in a shifting operation or a multiplication must also be provided. One method of meeting these requirements is to provide a group of registers and an adder together with a switching system which enables transfers of numbers, with or without addition, to be made. This part of the control system will be called the control register unit. In any case the operations which need to be performed on the numbers standing in the control register unit during the execution of an order are, like the operations performed in the arithmetical unit, regarded as being made up of a sequence of micro-operations, each of which is performed by the application of pulses to appropriate gates.
The other part of the control system is concerned with control of the sequence of micro-orders required to carry out each machine order, and with the operation of the gates required for the execution of each micro-order. This will be called the micro-control unit; it consists of a decoding tree, two rectifier matrices and two registers (additional to those of the control register unit) connected as indicated in Fig. 1, which shows how the pulses used to operate the gates in the arithmetical unit and control register unit are generated. A series of control pulses from a pulse generator are applied to the input of the decoding tree. Each pulse is routed to one of the output lines of the tree, according to the number standing in register I. The output lines all pass into a rectifier matrix A and the outputs of this matrix are the pulses which operate the various gates associated with micro-operations. Thus one input line of the matrix corresponds to one micro-order. The address of the micro-order is the number which must be placed in register I to cause the control pulse to be routed to the corresponding line. The output lines from the tree also pass into a second matrix B, which has its outputs connected to register II. This matrix has wired on it the address of the micro-order to be performed next in time so that the address of this micro-order is placed in register II. Just before the next control pulse is applied to the input of the tree a connexion is established between register II and register I, and the address of the micro-order due to be executed next is transferred into register I. In this way the decoding tree is prepared to route the next incoming control pulse
Fig. 1. Micro-control unit.
to the correct output line. Thus application of pulses alternately to the input of the tree and to the gate connecting registers I and II causes a predetermined sequence of micro-orders to be executed.
It is necessary to have means whereby the course of the micro-programme can be made conditional on whether a given digit in one of the registers of the arithmetical unit or control register unit is a 1 or a 0. The means of doing this is shown at X in Fig. 1. A two-way switch, controlled by a special flip-flop called a conditional flip-flop, is inserted between matrix A and matrix B. The conditional flip-flop can be set by an earlier micro-order with any digit from any one of the registers. Two separate addresses are wired into matrix B, and the one which passes into register I, and thus becomes the address of the next micro-order, is determined by the setting of the conditional flip-flop.
Conditional micro-orders play the same part in the construction of micro-programmes as conditional orders play in the construction of ordinary programmes; apart from their obvious uses in micro-programmes for such operations as multiplication and division, they enable repetitive loops of micro-orders to be used.
If desired, two branchings may be inserted in the connexions between matrix A and matrix B, so that any one of four alternative addresses for the next micro-order may be selected according to the settings of two conditional flip-flops. Another possibility is to