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Figure 1. Threaded code for FORTRAN-computed GOTO statement.

Threaded mode begins immediately following this call. The service routine is:

Leaving threaded mode requires no service routine at all; the operator is simply the address of the immediately following word of memory.

A Virtual Machine

By now it should be apparent that we have the beginning of a FORTRAN virtual machine. Instructions in this machine language are encoded as the addresses of the service routines. The PDP-11 instruction set provides the pseudo-microinstruction set used to emulate the FORTRAN machine. Register 4 (R4) is the virtual program counter.

For a complete characterization of a virtual machine, it is necessary to identify the complete state of the machine, that is, all of the values that must be preserved in order to interrupt the execution of the machine, apply the machine to another purpose, and later resume the original execution as though the interruption had not occurred. In this sense, the state clearly includes the stack pointer (SP) register and the program counter (R4) register as well as the memory regions occupied by the program, variables, and values on the stack. In the actual implementation, some virtual machine instructions also left values in general register 0 (RO) or in the processor condition codes for use by the subsequent virtual machine instruction. Thus, these values must also be considered part of the virtual machine state. However, the remaining general registers of the PDP-1 1 are not part of the state even though they are used freely by individual instructions to hold temporary values during the execution of a single virtual instruction, as illustrated in Figure 1.

This FORTRAN machine went through two phases of development. In the first phase, the virtual machine specification did not change; rather, the implementation was broadened to take advantage of newer models of the PDP-l1 family. Increased performance was achieved through improved performance of the new CPU and the floating-point hardware options. In the second phase, the virtual machine specification itself was extended to achieve greater performance across all of the PDP-l1 family processors.


The introduction described the basic technique, threaded code, by which it was possible to produce a FORTRAN processor for the first PDP-11 processor, the PDP-11/20. This section focuses on the design of the FORTRAN virtual machine proper and how it was implemented across the range of PDP-11 CPUs.

The major part of the FORTRAN virtual machine was relatively ad hoc in form, more or less closely following the form of the FORTRAN language. The previous example of the

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