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Chapter 35 ½ PIC1650: Chip Architecture and Operation 609

VI. Program Examples

Use of Indirect Addressing

This example illustrates the use of the File Select Register (F4) and the indirect addressing mode using F0. This program clears files F5 to F31.
Label  Op code Operand Comment
MOVLW 5 Move literal 5 to W REG.
MOVWF 4 Move W to F4. (F4 = 5).
Loop CLRF 0 Clear the contents of the file pointed to by F4.
INCFSZ 4, F Increment F4. The PC will skip after F31 is cleared.
GOTO Loop Repeat the steps beginning at Loop to clear the next file.
END Files PS and F31 are cleared.


BCD Number Display

This example converts a BCD number held in the four least significant bits of F20 (the 4 MSB's are assumed zero) to a 7-segment code. The 7-segment code is output via I/O port F5,

Op code Operand Comment
MOVLW TBLSTR Starting address of table.
ADDWF 20, W Add BCD number as offset to Table start.
CALL CONVRT Call the conversion subroutine.
MOVWF END 5 Output the 7-segment code to I/O P5. The 7-segment
will now show the BCD number and this output will remain stable until F5 is set to a new value.
CONVRT: MOVWF  2 Move the computed address into the PC. Because the ninth bit of the PC is set to zero by a MOVWF 2, the TBLSTR routine must be located in the low 256-word ROM memory area.


B'00000001 B'01001111 B'00010010 B'00000110 

B'01001100 B'00100100 B'01100000 B'00001111 B'00000000 B'00001100

Complement of 0 in 7-segment code.
Complement of 1 in 7-segment code.
Complement of 2 in 7-segment code.
Complement of 3 in 7-segment code. 

Complement of 4 in 7-segment code.
Complement of 5 in 7-segment code.
Complement of 6 in 7-segment code.
Complement of 7 in 7-segment code.
Complement of 8 in 7-segment code.
Complement of 9 in 7-segment code.

which is directly tied through current-limiting resistors to a 7-segment LED display. This program illustrates the use of the computed GOTO instruction. Figure 5 shows the external component connections.

The RETLW instruction loads the W register with the specified literal value and returns to the instruction following the CALL instruction (MOVWF 5). The complement of the 7-segment code is used because the LED display unit is common-anode; a segment is activated when the output is set low.


PIC [1979a]; PIC [1979b].

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