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Chapter 27 ½ The STAR (Self-Testing And Repairing) Computer 449

integrated circuit and memory technology was employed in the design. The STAR computer characteristics were chosen to satisfy all predictable requirements of a spacecraft guidance, control, and data acquisition computer which would be used in the very long (ten years and more) unmanned missions exploring the outer planets of the solar system [Long, 1969]. The second objective was to provide a tool for laboratory studies of fault-tolerant computing, including the injection of transient as well as permanent faults of catastrophic nature. Very extensive displays of registers, manually controlled clocking, and provisions for convenient modification of subsystems were incorporated into the experimental STAR computer breadboard (Fig.1).

The STAR computer employs a balanced mixture of coding, monitoring, standby redundancy, replication with voting, component redundancy, and repetition in order to attain hardware-controlled self-repair and protection against transient faults. The principal goal of the design is to attain fault tolerance for a variety of faults: transient, permanent, random, and catastrophic. The actual construction (rather than simulation) of the STAR bread board has two significant advantages. First, the design process has uncovered interesting new hardware-related problems and led to numerous improvements. Second, the computer serves as a vehicle for further experimentation and refinement of the recovery techniques.

During the studies of fault-tolerant architecture and the design of the STAR computer, concurrent investigations were being conducted in other closely related areas of fault-tolerant computing, including studies of software, reliability prediction, and extension of dynamic redundancy to peripheral devices [Avizienis et al., 1969]. A complete redesign of the STAR computer is being performed to match the exact requirements of a control computer for the thermoelectric outer planet spacecraft (TOPS) [Astronaut., 1970]. This effort led to the evaluation of additional fault-recovery techniques. The results of the efforts described above are summarized in the following sections of this paper.

Architecture of the STAR Computer

Methods of Fault Tolerance

The STAR computer is a replacement system that provides one standard configuration of functional subsystems with the required computing capacity. The standard computer is supplemented with one or more spares of each subsystem. The spares are unpowered and are used to replace operating units when permanent faults are discovered. The principal methods of error detection and recovery are the following.

1 All machine words (data and instructions) are encoded in error-detecting codes and fault detection occurs concurrently with the execution of the programs.

2 The computer is divided into a set of replaceable functional units containing their own instruction decoders and sequence generators. This decentralization allows simple fault location procedures and simplifies system interfaces.

3 Fault-detection, recovery, and replacement are carried out by special-purpose hardware. In the case of memory damage, software augments the recovery hardware.

4 Transient faults are identified and their effects are corrected by the repetition of a segment of the current program; permanent faults are eliminated by the replacement of faulty functional units.

5 The replacement is implemented by power switching: units are removed by turning power off and connected by turning power on. The information lines of all units are permanently connected to the buses through isolating circuits; unpowered units produce only logic "zero" outputs.

6 The error-detecting codes are supplemented by monitoring circuits which serve to verify the proper synchronization and internal operation of the functional units.

7 The "hard core" test and repair processor (TARP) is protected by triplication and replacement of failed members of the triplet.

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