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Chapter 43 The structure of SYSTEM/360 595

Fig. 6. Five basic instruction formats.

counter, the instruction counter is increased by the number of bytes in the instruction.

Conceptually, all halfwords of an instruction are fetched from storage after the preceding operation is completed and before execution of the current operation, even though physical storage word size and overlap of instruction execution with storage access may cause the actual instruction fetching to be different. Thus, an instruction can be modified by the instruction that immediately precedes it in the instruction stream, and cannot effectively modify itself during execution.


Most branching is accomplished by a single BRANCH ON CONDITION operation that inspects a 2-bit condition register. Many of the arithmetic, logical, and I/O operations indicate an outcome by setting the condition register to one of its four possible states. Subsequently a conditional branch can select one of the states as a criterion for branching. For example, the condition code reflects such conditions as non-zero result, first operand high, operands equal, overflow, channel busy, zero, etc. Once set, the condition register remains unchanged until modified by an instruction execution that reflects a different condition code.

The outcome of address arithmetic and counting operations can be tested by a conditional branch to effect loop control. Two instructions, BRANCH ON COUNT and BRANCH ON INDEX, provide for one-instruction execution of the most common arithmetic-test combinations.

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