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Chapter 34 The engineering design of the Stretch computer 423

I/O instructions. All told, 765 different types of instructions are used in the system.

d The instruction format (Fig. 3) makes use of both half and full words; half words accommodate indexing and floating-point instructions (for optimum performance these two sets of instructions use a rigid format), and full-word formats are used by the variable-field-length instructions. Notice that the latter specifies the operand field by the address of its left-most bit, the length of the field, and the byte1 size, as well as the starting point (offset) of the implied operand (accumulator). Both halves of the word are independently indexable.

e A general monitoring device used for important status triggers is called the Interrupt [Brooks, 1957] System. This system monitors the flip-flops which reflect internal malfunctions, result significance (exponent range, mantissa zero, overflow, underflow), program errors (illegal instruction, protected memory area), and input/output conditions (unit not ready, etc.). The status of these flip-flops can cause a break in the normal progression of the stored program for fix-up purposes. Their status is automatically interrogated at all times.

Fig. 2. The instruction set.

1Byte: a generic term to denote the number of bits to be operated on as a unit by a variable-field-length instruction.

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